Nov 24, 2021
4 min read
Updated: Jan 31, 2022
A Chakra cleansing meditation
Each morning I like to meditate before I journal or eat breakfast. The following are the steps I take to "run energy" through my body in this chakra clearing meditation. I have been doing this every day for over a year now. I started doing a form of this meditation about 40 years ago, which I learned from the Church of Divine Man meditation lessons. I have changed it a little bit from then, most recently from an internet class I took from Jeffrey Allen.
First, I sit in my favorite Lazy Boy recliner, with my feet flat on the ground and my hands sitting on the arms of the chair, palms up. I gently close my eyes and begin visualizing a "grounding cord" attached to the base of my spine (a waterfall of energy) flowing down into the center of the earth. The image I imagine as large as a good-sized tree trunk. I then imagine earth energy flowing back up from the center of the earth up into my feet, up my legs and up to the base of my spine and then backdown the grounding cord that I created. I let that energy continue to flow through that pathway while I continue with the rest of my meditation. I then imagine golden-white cosmic energy flowing down from the heavens into the top of my head, down my spinal cord, down the grounding cord and into the center of the earth. This visualization often makes my vibrate and tingle. Next, I imagine the cosmic healing energy coming down into the top of my head, down my spine and when it reaches my 1st chakra at the base of my spine, it comes back up a little bit and then back down the grounding cord. Then cosmic energy coming down my spine to the base and then up to my 2nd chakra, in the pit of my stomach area, cleansing it and back down the grounding cord. Once again. I visualize cosmic healing energy coming down into the crown chakra at the top of my head, down my spinal cord, up to the 3rd chakra, near my solar plexus, cleansing it and then back down to the center of the earth. For the 4th chakra, I again visualize the cosmic energy coming in through the top of my head, down to the base of my spine, up to the 4th chakra in my heart area and this time grounding up by flowing back up to the top of my head and flowing out like a fountain of energy and "spilling over" like a fountain of water, flowing back down into the earth. Once again, I imagine golden-white cosmic healing energy flowing down into the center of my head, down my spine to the base, back up to my fifth chakra in my throat area and back up through the top of my head and flowing out like a fountain, spilling over onto the ground. One more time I imagine cosmic healing energy flowing down into the center of my head, down my spine, back up to my 6th chakra behind my eyes and then up and out the top of my head. And finally. I visualize the cosmic healing energy flowing down from the heavens, down my spine, back up to the 7th chakra a little above my head and flowing like a fountain of golden-white light energy flowing back down into the ground.
Then I imagine the cosmic healing energy coming down my spine one more time, mixing together with the earth energy that has been flowing at the base of my spine and then up the front of my body, into my shoulders, down my arms, into my hands and out my fingertips. I always feel a lot of energy flowing through my hands when I do this part of the meditation. I then imagine a large rose out if front of my eyes with a grounding cord of it's own flowing down to the center of the earth. This rose is for protection. Then I imagine the cosmic healing energy coming down my spine one more time, mixing together with the earth energy that has been flowing at the base of my spine and then up the front of my body, into my shoulders, down my arms, into my hands and out my fingertips. I always feel a lot of energy flowing through my hands when I do this part of the meditation. I then imagine a large rose out if front of my eyes with a grounding cord of it's own flowing down to the center of the earth. This rose is for protection. It is able to spin around my head and protect me from both sides as well as the back of my body. The I imagine golden white healing energy flowing through the room I am sitting in and through the entire building I am in. First I imagine if flowing forward and back through the building, then from side to side and then from the top of the building to the bottom and then down a large grounding cord into the center of the earth. I then imagine cords coming from each of the corners of the room lower corners and upper corners meeting at my solar plexus healing my body, mind and spirit. And then I imagine the cosmic healing energy coming in one last time, down my spine, back up to my shoulders, across my shoulders and then flowing up into my 6th chakra and flowing up to the upper corners of the room behind me. And finally, I imagine myself in the center of my head, a little behind my eyes and back and up a little higher in my "head throne" sitting there and enjoying my "moment of stillness."
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